Wednesday, July 15, 2009


at this moment i feel a little bit dizzy...huhu well since my big boss has organize wednesday as english day so all conversation should be in english day(macam zaman sekolah) and this also including our 'mesyuarat pengurusan' just imagine all those people including me which has not ready and not practically emphasise english in our eveyday life has to talk in english...haha sound a little bit ridiculous but i really agree that this will help to improve our english better...

but that not the problem...the biggest problem is the 'minit mesyuarat' haha since the writer is not really good in english so lots of mistake and all the word and point are write up just accordingly to what that people said without ammendment...i spend half an hour to ammend to make me understand but that action make me feel dizzy and little bit headache...maybe i have to go out and find a little bit of fresh air...huhu no offend to the writer actually maybe just me having that problem maybe other people dont..hehe

rasa cam lama ja kan x tulis blog lam bi...haha dah2 la kot speaking nya rasa pening lagi yang x sudah... huhu hari ni rasa cam teringin lg nak p santap dekat muara ikan bakaq tu...lalala ayam bakar die sgt la marvelous...ngan saiz cam suku ayam tu je ai rasa blh kongsi dua orang tiap kali makan tp disebabkan mak buyung ni kan selera besar ayam tu blh ja ai hbskan sorang...haha selera melampau nasib la berat ai total sekarang ni br naik 9kg...haha diulangi 9kg ye uolls... cam bangga je naik ckit...lalala

my cousin will stayed kat my house for this week so semalam jd rajin tba2 mengemas rumah...haha sangat keji org nak mai rumah br nak mengemas...nak buat mcm mana kan ai kan bz..(ayat nak defend diri sendiri) ok enough of merapu...back to work...lalala

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