Showing posts with label keja. Show all posts
Showing posts with label keja. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2009

kursus @ pangkor

starting from tomorrow i will be away to pangkor...lalala kursus 3 hari 2 first plannya nak pg naik keta...n park kat lumut but then bila fikir keadaan ekonomi yang x memberansangkan plus rasa macam penat lak nak drive sorang2 n balik nanti pun drive sorang2 then after hard decision pg je lah naik bus...kan senang x yah fikir nak park kat mana, nak lalu jalan mana(this is my first time to pangkor actually) so end of thinking...

rasanya makin lama makin banyak plak keja ai kat dalam ofis ni(tu pun ada gak cakap2 belakang yang kata ai ni x dak keja...sedapnye mulut...try mai ganti ai 2,3 hari tgk...) n bila dah makin byk keja ni makin risau pulak ai bila memikirkan due date yang akan sampai at end of september or early october...macam mana la ai nak meninggalkan anak buah ai selama 60 hari nnt...that quite long period of time....

by the way it's 10 may and happy mother's day untuk semua kaum2 ibu and not to forget happy birthday to my mother in law....god bless u n moga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki hendaknya...amiiinnn(untung jugak besday tarikh 10 may ni...blh celebrate two in one...hehe)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

kerja last minute....

~actually sejak ujung bln 3 hari tu ai dah dapat one letter untuk diproses n di submit maklumbalasnya semula sebelum 30 april akan datang biasa la perangai melengah-lengahkan masa...wat ckit break, wat ckit break...last2 bla my ex boss call n cakap benda kena submit sekian2, prosedur mcm2 ni, br nak gelabah...rupanya byk prosedur kena wat sebelum wat surat ai tak suka sgt kira2 duit ni...tu x termasuk all those story n rumours that i heard pasal certain person yang membantutkan proses but in the end ai choose o listen to my ex boss said n siapkan susah bila keja last minute n melibatkan persetujuan org atasan ni...bukan susah kenapa tp sebab org atasan ni x sentiasa ada di pejabat n tandatangan mereka amatlah berharga...hehe biasa la bila nak mintak sign rasa sgt2 berharga la disebabkan hasil ketekunan n kesabaran sampai termimpi2 n mengigau tiap kali tido....akhirnya siap jugak keja ai tu...cuma tinggal nak faks n hantar salinan original...tahniah n a credit to myself...lalala(benda apekah yang ai merepek ini...hehe another part of my job since my boss left me to jpa...proses membeli peralatan n kerja2 sebut harga)

~sejak hari ahad hari tu sgt lah susah mencari parking di kawasan perkarangan ofis ai ni...semuanya adalah kerana di atas ofis kami terdapat pejabat lhdn...dimana proses pendaftaran e-fillng tarikh tutupnya adalah ujung bln ni(ujung bln ni jugak...)maka berduyun la org2 yang datang untuk mendaftar untuk mengelakkan diri mereka didenda...rupanya ramai jugak spesies manusia macam ai ni yang buat keja last minute...tu x kesah bila kena pusing sampai setengah jam just untuk cari parking rasa angin jugaklah badan ni...tu belum kira lagi yang parking atas divider, wat triple line sampai nak lalu pun susah...nak g field pun rasa malas...huhuhu please la jgn mementingkan diri sendiri...bukan anda sorang ja yang nak parking n ada urusan kat lain pun ada hal jugak...

footnote:dah pg scan my bb last sunday tp blum scan masuk pc gmbrnya lmbt lg le nak upload...hehe

Sunday, April 12, 2009

post saje-saje

1. hari ni punya la malas nak keja n then bla dah masuk keja kerani ku cuti la plak...anak dia dmam...cian syafini...btui ka yang kecik tui...blesah je la kan mcm btui...hehehe so kena la ku jaga ofis....bosan gla rupanya jaga ofis ni...rupanya macam ni kerani ku rasa tiap2 hari....huhu

2. result untuk btn dah kuar...selepas melawat website btn ...terbukti ku dah lulus btn...hehe nasib baik le lulus kalau x nasib aku le kena p lagi sekali...x rela aku..kalau p lagi konfirm kena suka n jungle tracking tu..menda2 yang aku paling x tido yang x cukup tdo pukul 12 tgh mlm bgn plak pukul 5 pg...(padahal aku bgn kul 5.30..hehe nasib baik time aku btn subuh masuk pukul ada masa ckit nak bgn lewat...x kuasa aku nak bgn awal semata2 berebut shower)

3. my tummy nampaknya dah progress byk..adakah kerana aku yang terlebih makan...hehe nak buat mcm mana kan org selera besar...chewahh bla dah makin membesar ni rasa gerun pulak mikir lagi 5 bln akan datang...saat2 bla aku di labour room nnt...aku kan scary ckit pasal kelahiran ni...byk jugak benda yang nak kena pikir ni...even nama untuk org baru pun x cari mom kata biarlah dulu masih awal lg tp kalau biar nnt terlalu leka tup2 dah cuku bln n my baby still x de nama x ke haru mcm tu...hehe brg2 dia pun x beli lg...awal lagi...mcm2

4. nampaknya mulai tahun ni ku dah kena bayar zakat...huhu sungguhpun benda tu adalah wajib tp masih rasa berat di hati...jahatkah bila pikir blk berapa byk ja saham ku di akhirat...huhu tp x pe la...demi saham ku di akhirat

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


~lama nye x update this blog...n so far i got nothing new to life is till the same cuma plus the excitement of waiting for new person in my my hubby hope is a x kesah la laki ke long as it is my child....i will be a mom...yeah...hehe

~regarding my post about unsecure personal information...that girl still bothering calling me offering a diskaun card what so ever...then las friday dia call lagi cerita all those stuff about her card...the problem is pandai gak die ni tanya ble expired card...macam seolah-olah die tu org kad kredit...pastu br cite pasal kad diskaun die....bla..bla..bla pastu benefot tu la ni la last br ckp nnt kene byr xxx...bullshit....menghabiskan masa org btui....n disebabkan ai x rasa needed that card yet...past ngan no kad die dah ambik...rasa x secure n then ai call maybank mintak untuk lupuskan kad...hambik ko....selesai n hari ni ada lg nak offer ape tah ai ckp kad dah btl..trus x derita panjang2 dah...padan annoying la org2 ni...

~rupanya after lama keja br ai perasan ramai juga jenis kaki2 ampu ni...sgt x suka...hipokrit depan kita blkg kutuk mcm....n ai rasa ramai gak kutuk ai...coz ai pakai selipar derang kutuk...masuk meeting wat x nampak...x masuk kutuk baik punya...buat ape pun salah...susah jugak nak memuaskan hati org len ni rupanya...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


hari jumaat ari tu...g jejalan kuar singgah stesen minyak...tutup pintu jari tersepit...huhuh so aktiviti jalan2 dibatalkan coz sgt sakit...waaaa mlm tu x leh tdo sbb berdenyut2...dah hitam kuku ni...waaa so ni adalah coret-coret sekitar insiden my jari terkepit itu...

1. rasa sakit lagi till now

2. abg ckp kena tulah sbb x p rumah dia biarpun dah p jalan2 sampai bertam perdana(dlm 100 metres dari umah dia...haha)

3. makndak soal siasat macam polis inspector...p jalan mana, why singgah stesen minyak...reason apa kuar dari keta...dok buat apa...nape mesti singgah stesen minyak...huh sangat tensen

4. toktam kata kena cabut kuku nnt lg teruk tp mak kata biar ja nnt kuku tu tumbuh sendiri

5. toktam melur kata loklaq sebab tu bleh terkapit...

6. my hubby kena potongkan lauk jd saiz kecik untuk ai mudah makan...++sgt susah untuk memasak n dia yang jd tukang potong sayur kat umah...hehe

7. biarpun jari ini telah tercedera akan tetapi kelajuan kereta saya masih lg tidak berubah...hehe cuma hari first ja my hubby hantar hr len drive sendiri biarpun ada cadangan dari dia suh naik bas...kejam btui(sbb almost everday kuar lewat jd kena drive tahap maksima...hehe)

8. rasa janggal nak wat keje sbb kurang satu jari...ada jugak gna jari kanan ni rupanya

9. my insurance advisor cakap x leh claim duit cuma bleh dpt mc ja seminggu...sempat lg kira dr segi insuran...

10. i really hope jari ni cepat sembuh...

footnote:alfatihah tu my nenek sedara...semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...amiin

Thursday, February 5, 2009


~ hari ni bgn awal...kul 6.40 dah kuar rumah..huhuh semangat kunun nak p tapak sampah...sampai bengkel mpsp pukul 7.05...awal tu biasa that time br siap mandi n dok prepare bekpes for two of us...borak2 ngan my mandur...what happen today...itu la ini la, btn, bla2 pastu tgk my pra angkat anjing masuk pick up then bwk budak praktikal g tapak sampah....

~9.00 oclock blk opis coz kena masuk meeting gotong-royong perdana...buhsan giler...siap tersengguk x leh jd ni...wat kunun2 bz tp ngantuk tk en y ketua jbtn it y kat sebelah mata dia pun cam ngantuk gak...haha tp memandangkan ahli majlis ada kat meja di seberang sana so kena la cover2 ckit kan...lalala

~tp rasanya rasa mengantuk tu still menghantui coz sampai this still mengantuk gak...rasa terawang-awang ja ni...kalau berdiri macam blh tumbang ni....huhu nasib la besok ct bleh caver tdo kan?..kan? (owang yang keje kat tmpt jumaat keje gak tu jgn la merasa jeles ye...hehe) tp esok ptg kene keje gak...perlukah ai ponteng..oh tidak!!

footnote:takziah for my sis coz kehilangan kedua-dua biji tayar beliau

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

pelan tindakan strategik??

~ tba2 kena wat pelan tindakan strategik plak...huhu apekah itu pelan tindakan strategik...something yang bhgn or jabatan plan for the next 5 years...tercapai ke x janji kena wat jugak...huhu ai yang x suka ni sebb memeningkan kepala teruskan usaha itu pz...huhu

Monday, January 5, 2009


~ rite now i feel dizzy...rasa kepening-peningan...rasa sakit perut...rasa nak tdo...buhsan dok dlm sudut ni(en amin cakap bilik ni adalah sudut sebab x dak pintu) fail pun my sis ckp nak mai tolong wat ape lagi mai la tolong ada 28 fail...i can keep it till next week for her to come n help me..hehe mampus la kalau nnt ydp tanya pasal byk dalam bilik ni rasa macam duk dlm bilik fail pun ada gak...huhu apalah gunanya ada bilik fail dkt corner sana jika semua fail ini dicampak dlm bilik ai jugak...huhu

~ i'm planning to apply for pjj this februari...rasa nervous(padahal belum tentu lg dapat...perasan lebih) blh ka ai mengadap buku blk selepas tinggal life as a student for about 20 months...hehe chewah macam lama sgt ja hbs org yang umo 40 an 30 an 50 an still lag further study to orait ja...hehe ayat untuk menyedapkan diri sendiri...

~ semua org asyik bertanya tak dak progress lagi ke? x dak berita apa2 lagi ke...chis ingat ai ni tukang baca berita ke?? ingat ai ni tukang ramal ke...hehe i'm in the process of adapting in my new life n in the process of learning why dont wait for another 2,3 years then ask for that question i'm still young let me learn how to live in my new life first...(ter'emo' ckit...haha)

~ dulu masa time belajar suka sgt marah dekat ik2 senior sbb x mo bwkp keluar mana2 tp bila dah ada student practikal yang kena di selia ni brlah tau...mcm mana rasanya menyelia org...huhu susah woo plus this student mcm baek ja...x de pun tanya or request nak p mana2...nnt ckp lima bula jenuh la macam mana nak nilai die tah...

~ my head is still dizzy...rase berat je lah akibatnya la dok ngadap laptop ni dari pagi smpi ke petang...huhu nak blk umah....blh tdo...sedapnya katil empuk di rumah memanggil2 daku..

footnote: sori la dok merepek tah hapa2 waktu petang ni

Sunday, December 21, 2008

what would you do if???

~ you got no interest on working anymore...i wonder what happen to me when suddenly i feel very222 lazy to do anything..even eat until last night i had gastric..huhu such a pain...

~ you got a lot of people under you but really hard to follow your order...huhu such a pain in my heart...they are very hard to control is it because i'm to young or i'm to soft on them

~ i was really not in the mood when suddenly a bunch of guy from nowhere come to my room and promoting their stuff something about religoius book and all those stuff and the price is something i cant imagine about 1312 and you can pay it by installment how dramatic then about half an hour he is explaining his stuff and i'm not really in the mood i let he talk and talk until finally i call my hubby and he said no...that there is an end to this guy soorrry

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


~ balik dari cuti kawen trus bz...huhu tolak kursus lagi suppose ai kena p kursus establishmen makanan di skudai johor tp atas sebab2 yang x dapat dielakkan lain kali ajelah g johor nun...huhu macam rugi tp x pelah bukan rezeki kot... lagipun keja dekat opis ni dah menimbun sampai meja pun dah penuh fail...huhu

~ kes terbaru dekat kawasan keja ai...chikungunya tapi menyebutnya ~chickengunya~ kalau x salah sebab masa ai p ambik data dekat pejabat kesihatan daerah ai diorang cakap menyebut macam tu...betul la kot... sakit baru ni tiba2 muncul di kedah saja dengki sebab ai cuti kot huhu simptom die agak sama dengan measles n denggi...pembawanya sama dengan denggi, nyamuk aedes susah betul..

simptom chikugunya
* demam
* mengigil tubuh badan
* sakit kepala
* lemah tubuh badan
* loya
* muntah
* sakit sendi
* ruam atau bintik-bintik pada badan
* sakit otot

sumber dari => * chikungunya *

Friday, October 31, 2008

kursus pendakwaan??

~ 4 hari berkursus yang agak memenatkan(20-24)...huhu
maklum la dari pagi sampai ke malam...rasa tensen jek x penah dibuat orang malam pun kena masuk kursus lagi...nasib la dekat ok la

~one thing yang best bila kursus kat hotel ni adalah food dia...nice plus the dessert yang asyik snap gmbr dessert ja...

~ni adalah dessert yang aku ambik n lepas balik rasa cam montel jek...hehe :P
ni pulak dessert yang dekat display tu...semua cute2, nak makan semua cam gila kuasa jek so ambik snap ajelah

ni dessert masa ari last...coklat sedap :)

ni lah aktiviti masa dalam dewan kursus, actually org kat depan tu ada mock trail(persidangan undang2 secara olak2...tu kononnya majistret la yang kat depan akak tu prosecuting officer yang betul...dia dah ade experience dah...bkn cam aku ni, hehe) aku yang mendengar ni naik bosan...snap gambar diorang..hehe

ni pun gmbar dessert yang aku snap gak...semua sedap2 huhu

~tisu ni pun sempat diorang gubah jadi cantik...nice blh wat idea untuk decorate hehe
P/S: actually masa lunch hari tu ade jumpa norniza x snap pun gmbr dia sebab dessert lagi menarik...but really she look good at the outside fron inside the tv

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

jalan-jalan di melaka

~ waa waa lama cket letak gmbr tp letak gak lastly...gambar semasa di melaka..hehe pg 6hb tp kursus start 7hb so sempat la rehat2 jap bilik hotel

gambar bilik hotel free yang dibayar oleh mpsp...lalala satu single n satu double tp aku amik katil single biar fatin tdo dia hlang disebalik katil yang besau...hahaha

posing jap sebelom bilik ni disepahkan oleh kami berdua dengan barang2...nampak je ckit barang tp sepah merata.. :P habis tgk bilik kitorang kuar p merayau jap ptg tu

excited nampak beca so ambik gmbar beca ni...bkn apa kat kedah x dak beca..siap hias-hias plak tu

ingatkan kapal ni cuma replika rupanya ada muzium kat dalam tu...waa nampak cam jakun cikit pasai x penah tau kata tmpt ni feymes gak sebenarnya...dapan kapal ni ada tmpt beli belah tp last2 x beli apa2 pun sebab x ada yang berkenan di hati

ni nama die menara taming sari...time kami sampai die x naik lagi...rupanya die boleh naik ada tempat duduk pastu siap pusing-using kat atas tu...bayor rm20 sorang tp kalau tunjuk ic rm10 je...excited nak naik tp bla nak beli tiket die cakap next trip pukul 8.00 time tu br pukul 7.00 lagi sejam nak tunggu..lupakan ajela..huhu ku kuciwa akhirnya

tu yang kat tgh tu ada org tgh turun susah gak nak snap pasai die tinggi x pandai la bab ambik gmbor ni

nama die dataran pahlawan dulu mengikut kata officemateku kat dataran ni tmpt penjaja melayu jual dah dipndahkan keseberang jalan n tmpt die lagi cantik n menarik...dataran ni dah jadi shopping complex tp x de org pun siap ada mc d drive thru dlm bgnn..pelik

with huda...dah kering makcik nampak pelik...haha jahat je aku gelakkan dia malam tu sori huda

snap yang cantik oleh housemate huda.. i like this foto

eye on melaka...cantik lampu2 die tp kecik la kalau nak banding ngan eye on malaysia...excited nak naik tp hujan at that time ++ angin kuat..huhu last2 ape yang aku naik aku pun tatau

posing ngan berlatar belakangkan merry go round tu...gayat ckit sebab kat atas jambatan..haha

last day so posing jap depan mitc sebelom kalut-kalut balik bilik hotel untuk check out nasib le dekat ja bilik hotel tu

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


~ lamanya x update blog...huhu agak bz pastu kekeringan idea..lalala macam ayat novelis la plak..

~ hari sabtu ni ada tournament bowling haha main pun x reti asyik dok cuci longkang of my officemate say x pe cuci longkang kami org bandaran...haha ayat untuk sedapkan hati sendiri kot gamaknya...

~ bosan keja...dah bertimbun keja yang pending..bla nak siap pun x tau makin bertambah ada la...huhu

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

hari rabu...

~ akhirnya selepas beberapa hariu menanti bank islam hantar sms gak...kredit sebanyak rm1xxx.xx telah dikreditkan ke akaun anda...lalala hepinya gaji dah masuk...leh shopping dah..banyak barang nak dibeli ++ bayar hutang2 skali...hati gumbira...

~ en nan ada hari ni ingatkan dia yang nak buat budget ni tp pagi2 lagi dia dah ada meeting...huhu hbs ja meeting dia dah blah ke mana tah...sedey kena wat sendiri la jugak budget ni..nasib mcm dah faham ckit...rasa lega la jugak

~ ada public yang buat lawak pagi2 buta...2 hari lepas budak2 tu p wat operasi tangkap anjing..pastu ada la makcik cina ni mai kata nak adopt salah satu anak anjing yang kena tangkap tu..dia x penah tgk pun tp dia ckp anak dia slalu dok main2 ngan anjing tu...pastu explain la kat dia kalau nak ambik lesen kena anjing yang berumur 3 bulan keatas...tanya dia anjing tu besar mana dia pun x tau..dah tu ckp lagi kalau nak ambik kena bayar denda seratus lesen rm30...all of sudden dia menangis..emo sungguh...pasai pa dok nangis tah...pastu dia tanya anjing tu brapa bulan eh?? dia ingat aku ni pegawai veterinar ke?? mintak diskaun plak tu....ckp la tu dah hbs kurang dah...kalau tak 300, dua kata takut anjing tu kena bunuh...mcm kami ni pembunuh anjing la plak..ckp la kat dia kalau br tangkap blum kena tembak lg...masalah btui...dok tunggu jugak kalau2 dia mai hari ni..x dak pun

~ nampaknya makin ramai orang yang ada masalah gangguan jiwa skrang ni...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

pening keja...but still i love my job.. :)

~ akhirnya dah p servis henset ni..selepas 3 hr x dak henset dia ambik masa untuk servis selama i jam ja...huh tp malangnya org yang servis tu x masukkan calculator...huhu apa ni semua aktiviti pengiraan tergendala byk benda yang perlu pengiraan ni...huhu hari ni nak p jumpa org di nokia care tu lagi...nasib la henset ni masih lagi didlm warranty dan x payah bayar apa2

~ tengah dok layan afc semlm tba2 bank islam hantar sms kata rm28.00 telah dimasukkan kedalam akaun...dasyatnya bank islam 28.00 ringgit pun nak dari mana datangnya duit tu...aku x masuk loteri pun...duit pun dah masuk...duit gaji x mungkin la byk tu...huhu

~ hari ni nasuk hari ketiga my clerk kak fiza p induksi...rasa serabut ckit pasai nak kena buat budget bhgn untuk 2009 ngan laporan tahunan untuk 2007...rasa sgt tensen pasal cari semua fail x jumpa..derang ni pun satu masa kak fiza x dak ni la nak suruh buat semua benda2 tu...huhu en nan pun x dak gak...berpakat ke hapa derang ni...huhu sedey dah la x pandai bab2 kewangan x pa aku kan tetap berusaha yeah... :)

~ nak kena tolong my friend ika jadi wedding dia br nak bertunang blh ke jd nama engangement planner...bunyi macam pelik..whatever lah.. susah gak rupanya tp nice pasai blh dpt experience for something in the future...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

happy day :)

~ feel so happy that really make me want to that happy day song...hehe i just got my salary(second actually) not much but a big relief for me since i already broke...a lesson for me to spend my money much more wisely...hehe

~ somehow i think that i should learn more about car caring since i still dont know how to refill the air in the tyre...hehe lot and lots more lesson and finally my final solution is go to the mechanic and let them refill it for me...end of my problem..

~ i'm planning to go to kelantan this end of the week...can't wait

~ though of visiting the new tesco in alor star yesterday..but lots of people make me n my family think twice and just call it a day...maybe next time after those crowd is much lesser...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

busy day...???

~ a very busy day right after 5 days holidays..huhu i went to office after spending about 5 days at home..then all of the thing that i left during holiday need to be settle..huhu suddenly i start to have a headache then

~ i still have those problem to manage my worker..even though i am a young boss but somehow i want to have a little respect from them.. lots and lots of problem that been created by them... absence from work, lazy and so on... my prefect say that i must be talk more and give some kind of word that can make they be more energetic to do work but i think that those worker a more and more older than me and will retired in three or four later and i've been teached to respect to the older person and by thinking those way make me cannot get mad toward them...quite big problem for me...

~ my laptop is being hacked by three kind of viruses and cannot be heal...poor thing.. i got lots of work to do and in this crucial time this viruses appear...damn so this laptop become slow and lots of my work is delayed..huhu i really want to format this laptop but i've already broke.. i just spend my recent salary to pay debt and buy new set of bedroom so no more left for formatting my laptop...huhu


~ i always wonder do i an environmental person..hehe even though my courses is environmental health but i think lots of my interest goes to computering...hehe

~ lots of accident happen lately... yesterday i saw one motocyclist hitted by a car and another one almost hitted by lorry driver...its those lorry and motocyclist really bumped yesterday then it will really happen in front of my eyes... because at that time i'm just at the back of that lorry... and this morning one female lady also motocyclist involved in an accident.. i think i will be much more trauma with a motocyclist... why must i see those all kind of accident lately...huhu


Thursday, May 1, 2008

labour day...

~ i think its really a long time that i spend on holiday although just about 3 days so far and every day i always think is friday..something is wrong..hmmm too much relaxing i guess (even my clerk call to inform something that going on in the office but i just pretend that i dont know everything...hehe)

~ i love to see my car is clean but somehow just after i finish wash it and it will look dirty again.. and my heart surely tear apart seeing this..huhu why is it always raining nowadays..huhu

~ i just got to know that my beloved ex prime minister start his own blog.. n i just leave a commment in his blog... suddenly everyone start blogging..hehe this the link to his blog
* Dr M

~ i miss my life in college n hoping one day i can go there again as a student, well it will come one day and i'm planning to take e-pjj oneday in bachelor program..someday??

~ it a labour day..just after become a working person then i realised why this day is worth for..hehe happy labour day

Thursday, April 17, 2008

dengue problems...

suddenly i'm talking about one of the boring subject
but still the problem is rising ni malaysia n didn't go down...
where is all the awareness among all those public in my country...
the no of cases of the people that infected with this virus is still high
and i have to face the poison of malathaion everyday....huhu
sometime i feel annoyed when doing foging in the evening
even being told that we want to do foging at the residence
they will pretend like we didn't inform them
what more worse the fog that last about 10 minutes or infected with the virus that will remain in their body forever...
there is also the residence that refuse to let my crew fog in the house
where is their mentality anyway...
this picture is taken during foging activity at one of the school here..hehe
look like the school is under fire...but just the smoke where the fire anyway??? hmmm
asap di sekolah
school under fire

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

aimst university

my first experience went to this university
not for study nor the forum or meeting or anythig
but for my job of course....hehe
there is a dengue case there
one of the student from this university is suspected for dengue
so i've been there...hehe
interesting university
its huge and the scenery is nice
but i been to the hostel only...
wonder how their library look like??
i took some picture of the university while i'm there
also my crew with their job...hehe
the view from my car...
outside of the university..this is at the main road...i stop my car at the side of the road just to take this picture...hehe
before entering the university...that its my crew with his motorcycle
the road not taken but both is the right way because its lead to the same place
the work begin...
the hostel in under smoke
padan muka all the stubborn student which refuses to go down even being order by the guard...penuh asap all the hostel...hehe
the other block also under smoke