Monday, January 5, 2009

my wedding...30th november part 2

this is some of my anak buah....since i'm wec to my hubby(ape jenis ayat x tau) so anak buah die adalah anak buah ai juga yeah...ramainya boleh la tahan...huhu n more to come
my sis n my cousin...adik kila so dia dah jd specky n kurus memanjang...hehe
my sis n my sister in law...peace...nampak cntik plak bj pink ni...hmmm tu la hari tu x mau sewa byk bj kalau x blh tukar2...hehe
"wah...bestnya tdo kat kerusi ni" macam tu la kot ayat kitty@megatron kat diri sendiri~the name is alias since b4 syahira letak nama kitty but my sis say dah jd kucing dia kena tkar nama jdlah megatron...cian kat dia nama pelik...haha
mak ngah, pak ngah n akib...lepas habis org len posing depa pun take over...semangat tui...
my hubby collagues...since i'm wed to him so this is my friend also...blh kira macam tu dak???
my schoolmate friends...asyraff n azri...thanks for coming...mereka adalah antara org yang terawal dtg...really appreciate that...
me n my sis...i dun remember when we took this picture masa br sampai rumah ka lepas my hubby datang tah...lupa plak sebab byk sgt pic snap hr tu
me n ambik pakai kamera hs so blkg nmpk x cntik...huhu
me n bedah...pun pakai kamera hs gak...posing mcm kontrol la plak
me n my ofismate...hehe aku di apit oleh dua org penguatkuasa...
me n ika...nape that time ai tgk sebelah laen...huhu
me n my new family...yeah...semua bj serupe
me n my hubby n his collague...a pic b4 they leave...lama ni derang tunggu my hubby sampai...
dlm org tgh sibuk ambik gmbr pengantin tp fotographer ni ambik gmbr org yang tgh ambik gmbr...i like this picture...hehe

Thursday, January 1, 2009

my wedding...30th november part 1

this is my mom with my mother in law...nice picture but hard to take since my mom does not really like to take picture n she is qiute buzy that day...everyone will look for her b4 leave
picture of me n my hubby i like this picture.. planning to print a big size of this picture n put it at my new home...
yeah bersantai di atas katil...hehe sebelm dipanggil keluar untuk bersalam n my in law are leaving...huhu x byk sgt pose dlm bilik tdo...sedey la jugak
me n my brother...a pink n yellow gabungan yang pelik tp itulah yang jadi in that wedding...haha
the four of us..."ok tgk sana" tu la yang fotographer tu kata...hehe
me n my other of us is missing syahira p jalan mana tah...puas di cari tp x jumpa gak...
this is a candid picture from the fotographer...a close up...hehe
half of my big family...byk lagi yang x masuk dlm gmbr lagipun susah la kalau nak kumpul semua
me n my hubby...dia dah buang tengkolok die...ntah ke mana dah time ni....sampin pun x pakai dah
ok angkat selendang tu...ntah idea apa tah fotographer ni suruh tp ikut je lah...ok gak mcm cerita hindustan....hehe

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

my wedding...30th November (behind the scene)

~ lama baru nak upload gmbr2 ni...hehe bkn apa lepas kenduri kat klate tu trus blk keja...gmbr kat rumah mak andam lupa nak kena tunggu blk kg baru bleh ambik gmbr2 ni...hehe this the photo behind the scene of my wedding reception...30th november 2008.
~ni adalah my aunt preparing makanan untuk meja pengantin...instant punya aktiviti....cantik gak die hias tp ai makan udang je...huhu yang len x sempat sbb kena marah dengan mak...makan lama sgt...bukan senang tu nak kopek udang...hehe

~ni plak gmbr my cousin tgh gntung kain belakang pelamin...still under progress
this is the flower yang disewa khas untuk decorate pelamin...

~tgh prepare bunga telur...ibu2 dan anak2nya
~my aunt tgh melipat tisu...

~the pelamin b4 lah tmpt pelamin tu
~still under progress...

~aktiviti makan2...yeah all my relatives...
para penyambut tetamu...

tukang bancuh air...

tukang2 masak pada hari itu...

tukang cuci pinggan...

kaum2 ibu yang byk jugak tolong behind the scene...

~antara tetamu yang hadir...
~that is my husband friend...ajak...tgh ambil makanan

~my uncle tgh sambut guest...die duduk kat situ ja all day...

ni my aunt lagi tgh blend bawang...sambil kata "ambik la gmbr syu" so my sis pun snap la gmbr dia n ai put her picture on the blog...hehe

~kaum ibu yang tgh masak bubr kacang ai x sempat merasa pun bubur ni...laku jugak rupanya

~this is all the stuff before khemah tu siap dipasang
~my aunt preparing the pelamin...
~to be continued...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

a chocolate for me...

i'm listening to my sis advise so this is what i bought during my window shooping at lunch break hour...bcoz i'm not a chocolate fancy so this is quite much for me.... plus i dont like something that sweet in food

~ i also bought something for mum n tok biah...hehe a belacan n udang kering bcoz i'm just back from tanjung dawai...i accompany my ofismate as she went to visit mpsp branch there so while visit we do shopping at the same time...hehe

~ i'm going home today...can't wait to see my cousin engangement tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

congrat's eika

agak lmbt wish for eika but x pe lah congrat eika for your antara pic yang ai snap but sorry lah x de gmbr masa hari kenduri coz smpi masa pengantin lelaki sampai tgk derang makan beradab sambil membilang biji nasi...hehe lama tu makan then ai rasa malas nak snap gmbr dah..

ok ni gmbr bilik tdo die...jgn tgk lebey2 nnt perasan ada ckit kesamaan with my wedding pulak...hehe hanya org yang betul2 meneliti akan perasan kot tp x pe tema kaler wedding die lain...x perasan kot

ni gmbr masa hari akad nikah smpi kat rumah dia dah petangso pengantin lelaki dah balik x pe la the reason ai p sebab nak ambik gmbr kat bilik tdo dia so x yah pengantin lelaki pun x pe...hehe

ni deco masa hari akad nikah...nampak classic..sebab bilik dia dinding kayu...kaler coklat pulak deco...cantik.. :)

macam manapun tahniah la dah jadi wife org...hehe

Monday, December 22, 2008

kuasa seekor tikus...hehe

Macam-Macam: Tikus dipercayai punca kebakaran

TORONTO: Tikus dipercayai menjadi punca kepada satu kebakaran yang membunuh hampir 100 ekor kucing di sebuah pusat perlindungan haiwan di Oshawa, berhampiran Toronto.

Laporan awam pihak bomba menunjukkan kebakaran bermula dari siling dan mungkin angkara perbuatan tikus yang menggigit wayar elektrik dalam kejadian yang turut menyebabkan tiga ekor anjing dan beberapa tikus lain menemui ajal.

Sembilan ekor anjing, dua ekor kucing dan seekor tikus berjaya diselamatkan dalam kebakaran yang memusnahkan bangunan berkenaan. - Agensi

sumber dari=> * berita harian *

last night....

~ it salary moment so after me doing overtime job me n my hubby went for some exercise...hehe
it about 7 o'clock when we arrive here and too early so my hubby decide that we go for solat maghrib first (trust me the condition of their surau is not good) plus tempat wuduk kena kongsi lelali n perempuan, so i kena ambik wuduk dkt toilet) and do some window shopping...then about 8.00pm we enter here...

~this is the shoe that we rent at this ampang colourfull butv i wonder why i always got the bad shoe as you can see it is koyak a little and not really in good condition...huhu very2 time kena mintak kasut yang much proper in condition
~ this is the ball...sebenarnya x guna semua pun tp sebelum tu ada family main kat lane yang keja kat ampang superbowl ni malas nak simpankan and masa tgh main tu tba2 ada org sebelah slamber je mai ambik bola kitarang...lansung x mintak...biarpun tu bola ampang superbowl punya but hello kami tgh main ok...mintak la at least kan??
~my hubby from the back...miss a moment tak sempat nak snap gambar dia tgh angkat sebelah kaki...hehe
~me with a weird way of membaling bola...hehe

~that's the final score...selepas tiga game bermain...quite bad for me...byk longkang and x de lansung strike...huhu

Sunday, December 21, 2008

what would you do if???

~ you got no interest on working anymore...i wonder what happen to me when suddenly i feel very222 lazy to do anything..even eat until last night i had gastric..huhu such a pain...

~ you got a lot of people under you but really hard to follow your order...huhu such a pain in my heart...they are very hard to control is it because i'm to young or i'm to soft on them

~ i was really not in the mood when suddenly a bunch of guy from nowhere come to my room and promoting their stuff something about religoius book and all those stuff and the price is something i cant imagine about 1312 and you can pay it by installment how dramatic then about half an hour he is explaining his stuff and i'm not really in the mood i let he talk and talk until finally i call my hubby and he said no...that there is an end to this guy soorrry