Saturday, April 5, 2008


i love to eat satay
if only i can make it myself
and luckily at the northen region,
the cost of one stick of the satay at the local pasar malam is 25sen
very cheap
if at the selangor it cost 40sen or 50sen for one stick
so every weekend i can eat a lot of satay

lucky i'm not the doctor

i went to visit my relatives at the new hospital in alor star yesterday
he involved in a car accident
which makes him injured quite bad
his leg a broken
seeing how the leg condition make me feel scared
lucky i'm not the doctor
i feel some kind of allergies toward blood
wonder how i can watch grey's anatomy every single episode...hehe
its holiday in kedah every friday and saturday
a nice moment to rest and relaxing

Friday, April 4, 2008

sabar is a great thing...

orang kata bla ada masalah kena byk sabar
somehow i believe those qoute coz so far its work on me
as i been patience in my problem
and its work out
slowly the way to solve that problem come
my day gets better, alhamdullilah
dah x ada lagi dah pagi yang gelap for me...hehe

Thursday, April 3, 2008

pagi yang gelap

orang kata kadang2 bila kita ada sesuatu benda tu kita x hargai
tp bila benda y kita dah ada tu hilang br kita rasa kehilangan
baru nak mencari2
bila this thing happen to me br i realise that
kadang2 orang yang paling dekat dengan kita tu
kita rasakan dia dah betul2 faham tentang kita
tp sebenarnya manusia selalu berubah
susah untuk stay the same as you are back to ten years before
even a little there some change
at least on your weight...hehe
aku rasa hidup aku sekarang ni dah jadi sangat gelap
bak kata hujan pagi yang gelap
tp tah bila nak terang tah....huhu
betul la orang kata manusia x sama
bukan semua orang adalah pemaaf
tah bila la aku ni akan dimaafkan
tp penantian tu satu penyeksaan....

a melon with tangkai coconut...i found at the local pasar sehari...hehe

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

dear diary.... :)

4 hari x online...hehe
oliday 2 hari....rehat sepenuh-penuhnya..
n then kursus 2 hari...blh kategori rehat la jugak...
quite long holiday..but nice n lot of experience...hehe
ari ni my first experience tgk premis y mengusahakan burung walit di amanjaya...huhu
mcm mana la blh terhantuk tym naik tangga...embarassing...huhu
then i have upload so of my picture during kursus...hehe
nampak gayanya my working life is about the burung walit thing...
huhu quite boring..


mencari penceramah disebalik tiang...haha :p

ni tempat aku berkursus...hotel seri malaysia espi...

tym berkursus ni baru la perasan mentaliti owang melayu ni semua nak dibantu...not to specified or kata kat sapa2 tp ckit2 nak owang tolong...nak permit khas la, nak kadar caj rendah la..patut la owang kata melayu ni manja...sentiasa ketinggalan kat belakang...huh

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

boring day

penat la ari ni...
turun naik escalator ngan tangga + lif...huhu
pastu kena byk senyum...
maklumla owang br...kalau x senyum di cop sombong..huhu
papepun i'm enjoying my work...hehe
dah la asyik dok studi pasal undang-undang kecil ngan lesen burung walit...
naik muak pun ada gak

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

pantai merdeka

lama x melawat tmpat ni..
ingatkan dah byk nmpak macam sama ja...
benteng sama..kedai sama...air laut semestinya sama kan
tp macam mana pun aku tetap sukakan pantai...hehe
dah keja kat mpsp ni br la tau
rupanya tiap kali musim tertentu kat pantai merdeka ni byk ulat bulu...haha
ingatkan ulat yang naik daun ja byk...
rupanya ulat bulu pun byk gak...
dalam masa yang sekejap p pantai merdeka ni
sempat lagi nmpak couple2 yang dok buat free show
kalau aku ni owang pencegah maksiat
rasanya nak ja aku soal siasat derang ni
meluat ja tgk...huh
by the aku sempat ambik gmbr pantai ni...hehe




Monday, March 24, 2008

nice day...

a nice day for me...
meeting pasal burung walit aka burung layang-layang
macam blur2 awalnya pasai masuk lmbt...hehe
owang start 11.00sharp tp aku masuk 11.25am..haha
so jd blur2 cket...padan muka
tapi nasib bleh menjawab soklan yang ditanya..lucky me
the end of meeting i feel nice :)

pokok bunga didalam bilik opis aku...lalala
(save the environment)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

a day to remember...???

hari ni dasat la
dah la have to wake early in the morning...x suka bgn awal actually
all the way dari rumah smpai office jalan berkabut...
dah la lambat..rush jgak la
kalau ada speed trap maunya dah kena...huhu (100-140km/j)
feeling lazy nak keja pasai sunday..huhu
why do i have to work at sunday??

Saturday, March 22, 2008

busy saturday...

hari yang letih...
cuti tapi letih...huhu
bgn pagi bekpes siap2 pastu g town (window shopping biarpun bz...haha)
then balik rumah ambik my mom p rumah relatives ada kenduri doa selamat...
buang masa kat ctu then br blk rumah....
however.. the food serve is delicious..
make me feel hungry all the time i'm there...hehe

1.48 AM in the morning

my first post in this blog...haha
i have no idea...maybe coz it is almost 2 o'clock in the morning
then suddenly a dog come sreaming at the front door of my house
quite scary...huhu