Sunday, December 21, 2008

what would you do if???

~ you got no interest on working anymore...i wonder what happen to me when suddenly i feel very222 lazy to do anything..even eat until last night i had gastric..huhu such a pain...

~ you got a lot of people under you but really hard to follow your order...huhu such a pain in my heart...they are very hard to control is it because i'm to young or i'm to soft on them

~ i was really not in the mood when suddenly a bunch of guy from nowhere come to my room and promoting their stuff something about religoius book and all those stuff and the price is something i cant imagine about 1312 and you can pay it by installment how dramatic then about half an hour he is explaining his stuff and i'm not really in the mood i let he talk and talk until finally i call my hubby and he said no...that there is an end to this guy soorrry

Thursday, December 18, 2008

cicakman 2: planet hitam

~ semalam me n my hubby pg menonton cite ni selepas brape lama mengidam nak tgk....dari ptg dah plan siap2, mlm tu nak g tgk...mlmnye sempat lagi tertdo lepas blk keje tp disebabkan dah bape kali tertangguh lastnye siap2 gak then pg mall dekat sp untuk tgk movie ni...tiket yang ade cuma pukul 9.15 ok la tu biarpun mase awalnye plan nak tgk midnight...kunun la tp pukul 9 pun x pe jugak cite ni ade la unsur-unsur lawak n babak2 yang best...

~ tp dalam semua part ai paling suka bla si rrama tu gelak...wah macam pontianak, selain dari ginger boys tu yang suka muncul merata2 macam suspen jek...watak iman tu pun macam best jugak sebab biarpun buta tp die macam ada sixth sense blh rasa...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


~ balik dari cuti kawen trus bz...huhu tolak kursus lagi suppose ai kena p kursus establishmen makanan di skudai johor tp atas sebab2 yang x dapat dielakkan lain kali ajelah g johor nun...huhu macam rugi tp x pelah bukan rezeki kot... lagipun keja dekat opis ni dah menimbun sampai meja pun dah penuh fail...huhu

~ kes terbaru dekat kawasan keja ai...chikungunya tapi menyebutnya ~chickengunya~ kalau x salah sebab masa ai p ambik data dekat pejabat kesihatan daerah ai diorang cakap menyebut macam tu...betul la kot... sakit baru ni tiba2 muncul di kedah saja dengki sebab ai cuti kot huhu simptom die agak sama dengan measles n denggi...pembawanya sama dengan denggi, nyamuk aedes susah betul..

simptom chikugunya
* demam
* mengigil tubuh badan
* sakit kepala
* lemah tubuh badan
* loya
* muntah
* sakit sendi
* ruam atau bintik-bintik pada badan
* sakit otot

sumber dari => * chikungunya *

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

diablo 3

1. macam mana lah ai blh ketinggalan game baru tau yang dah kuar diablo 3 ni pas my hubby bgtau...mcm best gak bla tgk trailer dia....especially watak wizard yang ai paling suka tu...dia punya scenery pun nampak lagi real n watak jahat dia pun mcm lagi susah untuk dilawan...

2. ni pulak watak baru dlm diablo nama dia witch skali tgk nak macam necromancer pun ada gsk...x pun druid entahlah tp still macam best...bla nak p cari cd die tah

food poisoning??

1. semlm the one whole day ai cuma berbaring n tdo...muntah 2 kali bila bgn ja trus rasa loya tu blum kira waktu2 yang ai kena p melawat toilet lg...huhu x larat nak bgn...p check doktor dia ckp mayb food poisoning...mayb??? ape punya doktor la nasib la dia bg mc dkt ai x kisah sgt...hari ni biarpun rasa kepala ada weng2 ckit tp malas dah nak ambik mc so kena dtg keja la jugak biarpun malas nak buat keja...huhu lambatnya nak start ct kawen...nnt cuti dah x yah pk dah bab keja

2. dlm ramai2 member yang ai jemput untuk kenduri ai terlupa sorang member sekelas masa dkt u...yang blh tau kata x jemput lagi sbb dia hntr testi dkt fs ai kata ai x jemput dia...nada marah la jugak...apa blh buat ai asyik terlupa semua benda ja skrang ni...maaflah..huhu

Saturday, November 22, 2008

alhamdulillah...seorang lagi saudara baru dalam islam

td tgh dok surf internet sambil dgr berita tba2 dengar berita pasal micheal jackson...kalau betul bgs la..dah jadi muslim dah bertambah lagi sorang saudara baru

Michael Jackson 'converts to Islam and changes name to Mikaeel'

The singer, who was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, converted to Islam in a ceremony at a friend's house in Los Angeles.

He is said to have sat on the floor and worn a small hat while an imam officiated.

According to The Sun, the ceremony took place while Jackson, 50, was recording an album at the home of Steve Porcaro, a keyboard player who composed music on his Thriller album.

The former Jackson 5 star was counselled by David Wharnsby, a Canadian songwriter, and Phillip Bubal, a producer, who have both converted.

A source said Jackson had appeared a "bit down" and added: "They began talking to him about their beliefs, and how they thought they had become better people after they converted. Michael soon began warming to the idea.

"An imam was summoned from the mosque and Michael went through the shahada, which is the Muslim declaration of belief."

Last year his brother, Jermaine Friday, suggested Jackson would convert having taken an interest in Islam since Friday's conversion in 1989.

"When I came back from Mecca I got him a lot of books and he asked me lots of things about my religion and I told him that it's peaceful and beautiful," said Friday.

"He read everything and he was proud of me that I found something that would give me inner strength and peace.

"I think it is most probable that Michael will convert to Islam.

"He could do so much, just like I am trying to do. Michael and I and the word of God, we could do so much."

* Berita harian *

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