~ it salary moment so after me doing overtime job me n my hubby went for some exercise...hehe
it about 7 o'clock when we arrive here and too early so my hubby decide that we go for solat maghrib first (trust me the condition of their surau is not good) plus tempat wuduk kena kongsi lelali n perempuan, so i kena ambik wuduk dkt toilet) and do some window shopping...then about 8.00pm we enter here...
~this is the shoe that we rent at this ampang superbowl...so colourfull butv i wonder why i always got the bad shoe as you can see it is koyak a little and not really in good condition...huhu very2 unsatisfied...next time kena mintak kasut yang much proper in condition
~ this is the ball...sebenarnya x guna semua pun tp sebelum tu ada family main kat lane sebelah...org yang keja kat ampang superbowl ni malas nak simpankan and masa tgh main tu tba2 ada org sebelah slamber je mai ambik bola kitarang...lansung x mintak...biarpun tu bola ampang superbowl punya but hello kami tgh main ok...mintak la at least kan??
~my hubby from the back...miss a moment tak sempat nak snap gambar dia tgh angkat sebelah kaki...hehe
~me with a weird way of membaling bola...hehe
~that's the final score...selepas tiga game bermain...quite bad for me...byk longkang and x de lansung strike...huhu