Sunday, February 1, 2009

honeymoon at cameron... :) candle light dinner

~well as we took honeymoon package so it is in the package....our candle light first we were thinking?? should we wear formal...but then we both wear jeans...hehe lantak la kan
this is the decoration at the table...bunga ni they use to decorate our table until the last day we were there..sabar je lah

the kot

ni pembuka makan kuih die ja...salad bwh tu rasa pelik sebb sos die manis

mushroom soup ngan garlic bread n the bread is masin

ni mula duduk dia tanya nak chicken chop ka fish n chip..well i like chicken much more than fish so better ambik chicken chop...hehe

kuah chicken chop

the last one...dessert tp sbb dah full makan ckit ja

the roses...suka :)

ambik gmbr dekat ckit

me n my hubby++the roses

perasaan org y suka sbb dpt roses...lalala

bunga dkt table tu y ai snap...masa tunggu makanan

no comment be continued

Thursday, January 29, 2009

honeymoon at cameron... :) day 1st part two

~ni aktiviti kami pada hari first petang tu...lepas ja minum welcoming drink tu g kutip strawberry...lalala dgn bukit turun naik tu++pakai high heels plak...haha bla timbang x cukup lg 100 gram sbb setengah kilo harga die 20 ringgit...pastu of course la dia tambah...sedap sbb trus makan ptg tu jugak...

ni la strawberry yang ai kutip...

strawberry bergantungan....lalala

me tgh tunggu org yang nak bwk tunjuk tmpt kutip strawberry

ambik gmbr sendiri..lalala be continued

honeymoon at cameron... :) day 1st part one

~after 5 month married so my hubby n i have a time to go for a honeymoon....some say dah basi dah..lama kawen br nak pg tp biar lah kan...there is other people that married for 25 years but still go for a honeymoon...hehe biasa la buat apa pun ada gak og yang x kan puas hati...especially when i'm leaving the office and let them do the work...lalala enough of kutuk2 org let continue with my story on cameron highland... :)

~ actually at first my hubby want to go for island or an ocean for our honeymoon...because he want to go to langkawi but then after raya i got 2 days kursus there so that is our unofficial honeymoon then we have to decide another place that more suitable for honeymoon and moreover i'm planning to take whole package of honeymoon after lots of survey about place and money and i'm the one that do the booking and all that so our choice at last is cameron highland(i love strawberry and cactus so this is the wise choice...hehe)++ the honeymoon package at his hotel is the cheapest and quality one that i find...

~we wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning coz early of the night before, our plan is arrive there at 11 or 10 am so that we can go looking around that place but then we get pack and ready at 8am...haha so we arrive at cameron around 12 o'clock...

this is the welcoming sign...lalala akhirnya sampai juga...

the hotel...rosa passadena, at first my hubby said ahhh hotel cina..ada makanan halal bila msauk actually ada pun restoran halal, saja je wat gimik

the room D11, keluar je dari lif belok kiri terus jumpa...chewah ayat cam pemandu arah plak

the bed..ada satu single and satu why must ada single since we are on hoenymoon buat membazir ja...this is the deluxe room qiute big and nice for two person...hehe

another point of view of the room...nasibla tv tu ada astro

the welcoming drinks..sedap manggo campur perisa apa tah

the honeymoon cake...guess they use the royal icing sebab bila potong icing tu patah...sedap...perisa strawberry and it took three days for me n my hubby to finish it

the flower decorated in our room..there another one i the bathroom...

the fruit...yang ni sampai last day pun x habis jugak makan...

the overall view of the cameron highland...not really a beautifull view lots of hill been used for planting fruits or vegetables be continued

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my baby sudah mandi...lalala

ni adalah pic sblm my baby mandi...huh sgt kotor dan penuh segala haiwan2 terbang yang langgar....sakit mata je nengoknya...kat cermin depan pun sama....cuci pakai viper pun hasil die sama ja...wat tensen jek

maka td ai pun sblm naik blk opis pg la carwash...sbb ai kan org yang bz x de masa nak cuci sendiri(ayat org yang malas) haha
benda yang scary dlm carwash kesan die mencuci lebih baik dari viper ai...haha biarpun ada ckit2 saki baki.... :(
hasilnya...wallah! untuk berapa lama ia akan bertahan...kite tunggu dan lihat...hehe

ai pun mls nak ckp byk sbb nak wat meeting kecil-kecilan jap with my stuff...daaa

footnote:ai be away starting from tomorrow till 28th january...lalala makan angin hati gumbira

Monday, January 19, 2009

tengah hari ini....

~tgh dok surf internet tba2 terbau org masak sup...emmm sedapnya dari mana tah dtg bau...trus intercom ika...jom p cr sup tulang....haha my hubby ckp kalau x jumpa tmpt x pe nnt mlm bleh cr...ika pun intercom blk pas tu ckp dkt dataran ikan bakar ada sup tulang...orait ja pegi la try kan....

ni lak nasi putih ngan bendi...pantang jumpa bendi gulai besenye makan bendi ni ja...kalau bendi ngan ikan, ikan tu ai x amik pun....hehe
sedap gak makan kat cni....for two...cuma 6.50...blh tahan ika siap ambik daging bakar, paru sambal ngan kerabu taugeh lg...nnt bleh arr g makan lg kat cni...

~ tp yang x best nya blk ja sp plaza x de parking maklum la skang ni awat thn ramai dok byr cukai pintu....setengah jam gak la dok pusing2....dah jumpa tu ada tiga biji kete keluar serentak...sabo je la pz...kan? kan?

guess what it is???

i found this picture while merayau2 with eika searching for stesyen banner in espi...just guess what is this thing....look sweet and i took a snap of this thing....






















ok jauh ckit....















Tuesday, January 13, 2009

pelan tindakan strategik??

~ tba2 kena wat pelan tindakan strategik plak...huhu apekah itu pelan tindakan strategik...something yang bhgn or jabatan plan for the next 5 years...tercapai ke x janji kena wat jugak...huhu ai yang x suka ni sebb memeningkan kepala teruskan usaha itu pz...huhu

Sunday, January 11, 2009

10th january

~ semlm me n hubby are celebrating something so we decide to go for a celebrate but where??? lepas keluar dari rumah tanpa arah tujuan n the my hubby said nak naik pegila kami naik feri tp ai x kuar dari keta pun...just relax in the car sambil baca the star...lalala

~ the dah sampai island dok pikir gak...nak pegi mana eh??? then merayau2...merayau2 nampak island plaza...sambil dok borak2 boleh gak kita g sbbx penah macam ampeh je island plaza tu...apa pun tarak...

~ then we decide singgah jap kat mesjid ni...masjid terapung tanjung bunga...dkt ngan rumah mangsa tsunami...cantik :)

this is jambatan yang connectmasjid ni dengan tmpt parking lot...nampak cantik ngan cute je masjid ni...becoz tgh dlm aktiviti merayau ambik je lah kan gmbr around masjid ni..hehe
pemandangan dari dalam masjid...blh nampak rumah mangsa tsunami kat sebelah masjid ni...rumah derang pun nampak cantik...

ni pemandangan sisi masjid tu...blh nampak masjid ni ada tiang...x terapung pun... :(

ni something special yang ada kat masjid ni...mula2 tercari2 kat mana kipas...bila tgk teliti nampak ada bilah kipas ada suis plak...bla tekan die gerak(pengalaman org yang jakun)
then bila dia pusing jadi la macam ni...wah sgt menarik...
gmbr tgh bosan lam keta...lepas solat trus blk s.petani...haha x dak arah tui...
my hubby yang tgh drive sambil kata x yah la ambik gmbr dia tgh drive ni...haha
our next station is central square s.petani...haha p makan pizza hut dekat ctu...lalala
kami order set personal pizza+pepsi+mushroom soup+roti garlic+spagetti prawn olio

ni adalah gmbr sesudah beberapa minit...haha lapar btui ni...selesai sudah...

footnote: best jugak merayau x dak arah sekali sekala ni...haha

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

life journey...???

~ btui la ada pepatah yang cakap dunia ni kecik ja...pusing2 patah blk ke tempat yang sama, bumi ni bulat...kita akan tetap kembali ke titik asal jika kita berpusing kat atas bumi ni...some sort of macam tu la... bukan apa bla dok search benda2 merepek ngan tah hapa2 ni in the end ai found out yang that my hubby or my sis friend has some connection with her or his friend that is my friend...pusing2 balik macam tu la jugak...

~ you're not the unluckiest person of the day...salah satu ayat untuk menyedapkan diri sendiri...hehe tp btui la kot sebab bla ditimbah sesuatu musibah tu ai always think that way(bla dah muhasabah diri sendiri la) then i will find some kind of example that been shown to me yang ai bukanlah org yang paling malang n ada lagi org yang lebih x bernasib baik...

footnote: hari ni berjaya masak nasi lemak...kak fiza ckp sedap...hehe biarpun semalam buat spaghetti jd ape tah...

Monday, January 5, 2009


~ rite now i feel dizzy...rasa kepening-peningan...rasa sakit perut...rasa nak tdo...buhsan dok dlm sudut ni(en amin cakap bilik ni adalah sudut sebab x dak pintu) fail pun my sis ckp nak mai tolong wat ape lagi mai la tolong ada 28 fail...i can keep it till next week for her to come n help me..hehe mampus la kalau nnt ydp tanya pasal byk dalam bilik ni rasa macam duk dlm bilik fail pun ada gak...huhu apalah gunanya ada bilik fail dkt corner sana jika semua fail ini dicampak dlm bilik ai jugak...huhu

~ i'm planning to apply for pjj this februari...rasa nervous(padahal belum tentu lg dapat...perasan lebih) blh ka ai mengadap buku blk selepas tinggal life as a student for about 20 months...hehe chewah macam lama sgt ja hbs org yang umo 40 an 30 an 50 an still lag further study to orait ja...hehe ayat untuk menyedapkan diri sendiri...

~ semua org asyik bertanya tak dak progress lagi ke? x dak berita apa2 lagi ke...chis ingat ai ni tukang baca berita ke?? ingat ai ni tukang ramal ke...hehe i'm in the process of adapting in my new life n in the process of learning why dont wait for another 2,3 years then ask for that question i'm still young let me learn how to live in my new life first...(ter'emo' ckit...haha)

~ dulu masa time belajar suka sgt marah dekat ik2 senior sbb x mo bwkp keluar mana2 tp bila dah ada student practikal yang kena di selia ni brlah tau...mcm mana rasanya menyelia org...huhu susah woo plus this student mcm baek ja...x de pun tanya or request nak p mana2...nnt ckp lima bula jenuh la macam mana nak nilai die tah...

~ my head is still dizzy...rase berat je lah akibatnya la dok ngadap laptop ni dari pagi smpi ke petang...huhu nak blk umah....blh tdo...sedapnya katil empuk di rumah memanggil2 daku..

footnote: sori la dok merepek tah hapa2 waktu petang ni